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Manuscripts should represent the results of original works on theoretical physics or on experimental physics with theoretical background or on applied mathematics. Letters to the Editor and Review articles in emerging areas are also published. Submission of the manuscript will be deemed to imply that it has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere ( either partly or wholly) and further that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere. It is the right of the Editorial Board to accept or reject the paper after taking into consideration the opinions of the referees.

Manuscripts may be submitted in .pdf / MS word format to  susil_vcsarkar@yahoo.co.in   Online submission of the paper through our website:www.citphy.org  is always encouraged. The file should be prepared with a 2.5cm margin on all sides and a line spacing of 1.5.

The title of the paper should be short and self-explanatory. All the papers must have an abstract of not more than 200 words; the abstract page must not be a part of the main file. The abstract should be self-contained. It should be clear, concise, and informative given the scope of the research and significant results reported in the paper. Below the abstract four to six keywords must be provided for indexing and information retrieval.

 The main file should be divided into sections (and sub-sections, if necessary ) starting preferably with an introduction and ending with conclusion. Displayed formula must be clearly typed( with symbols defined) each on a separate line and well-separated from the adjacent text.  Equations should be numbered on the right-hand side consecutively throughout the text. Figures and Tables with captions should be numbered in Arabic numerals in the order of occurrence in the text and  these should be embedded at appropriate places in the text.. Associated symbols must invariably follow SI practice.

References should be cited in the text by the Arabic numerals as superscript  . All the references to the published papers should be numbered serially by Arabic numerals and be given at the end of the paper. Each  reference should include  the author’s name, title, abbreviated name of the journal, volume number, year of publication, page numbers, as in the simple citation given below:

For periodicals:  Sen, N.R. -    On decay of energy spectrum of Isotopic Turbulence, J. Appl. Phys.28,No.10,109-110 (1999)      


For Books:

 1.  Mikhilin, S.G. – Integral Equations, Pergamon Press, New York (1964)

2. Hinze,A.K. – Turbulence Study of Distributed Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow, Ph.D.,Thesis, Rorke University (1970)

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   A pdf of the final publisher’s version of the paper will be sent to the corresponding author shortly after publication.

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